What about my other symptoms?

Many people with NEAD complain of other symptoms. These symptoms can have causes similar to those of NEAs.

These symptoms can include:

Physical symptoms for which no clear cause can be identified by doctors are often called functional. This means that they are problems of the functioning of the body rather than problems caused by physical damage to the brain. This means that brain and other scans of the body are usually normal in people with functional disorders. Treatment for non-epileptic attacks may also help to relieve some of your other symptoms. See the Treatment section for more information about this.

There is more information about functional neurological symptoms (such as pain, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, weakness) on the website www.neurosymptoms.org.

You can also look at our patient information leaflet on functional systems (PDF, 362KB).

It is important to get the correct diagnosis for NEAs.

Read more about how NEAs are diagnosed