Who can help?

Your neurologist, neuropsychiatrist or neuropsychologist will be familiar with NEAD and conditions, which may be mistaken for NEAD (especially epilepsy or fainting). This sort of expert can make the diagnosis of NEAD and explain it to you. If you do not have epilepsy, they will help you to reduce and stop antiseizure medications and they will monitor your progress as these changes are made.

Some seizure experts work closely with psychologists to whom they may refer you for further treatment. Others refer people with NEAD to psychiatrists for further advice.

A psychiatrist or liaison psychiatrist can help to explore mental health problems that may be causing or maintaining your NEAD. Psychiatrists are experts in the treatment of conditions sometimes associated with NEAD such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and eating disorders. They can offer advice on the treatment of these conditions with medication and can refer you for psychological treatment.

A clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, counsellor or clinical neuropsychologist can help you to understand what is causing or maintaining your non-epileptic attacks and may be able to offer psychological treatment. Read more about the different types of psychotherapy. In many areas in the United Kingdom many psychotherapists and psychologists work within the NHS 'Improving Access to Psychological Therapies' (IAPT) Service. IAPT services are provided by different providers in different regions. Confusingly, this means that they may not be called "IAPT" although they are an IAPT service provider. In some areas patients can find out about IAPT services on the internet or from leaflets and need to refer themselves. In other regions clinicians (such as hospital or family doctors) need to refer patients.

An epilepsy specialist nurse may be able support you with understanding your diagnosis, advise you on how to deal with medication changes and help you to cope better with your attacks. However, epilepsy specialist nurses are not available at all hospitals; or they may be unable to offer services to people with NEAD.

A hospital social worker or welfare rights officer can give you information about benefits and job schemes that may be available to you.

Your GP can give advice and support and can let you know about local psychology or counselling services.

Your local Citizens Advice Bureau or DSS can give you advice on benefits, social, financial and housing problems.

FNDhope and FNDaction are a registered charity who aim to provide support to patients with NEAD and their families. You can gain more information about the NEAD from the websites of  FNDhope and FNDaction.

Read more about how people with non-epileptic attacks can completely recover

Two people consultation

Paul says: If you are worried about seeing a neuropsychologist please don't be. The help and support I received has given me an understanding of my illness I cannot put into words.

Woman and a GP doctor